Luciana wanted to understand why many individuals remain in unsafe relationships. Recognizing the need for education on dating violence prevention, she took action to make a difference through her Gold Award project, “Break the Chain.” Luciana became a Youth Leader for the OneLove Foundation, a national non-profit dedicated to ending relationship abuse. She developed branding materials, established a social media presence, and created a toolkit for schools in her community. Through interactive workshops at her school, students learned to identify early signs of unhealthy relationships and how to handle dangerous situations. Luciana is a Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida Changemaker
What are some of your hobbies?
Some of my hobbies include reading, painting, and hiking. I also love volunteering in my community and getting involved in various social awareness campaigns.
What is the title of your project?
The title of my project is "Break the Chain."
Tell us more about your project and how you completed it.
My project, "Break the Chain," is part of my Girl Scout Gold Award. It focuses on addressing dating abuse among teenagers and young adults. I wanted to educate my peers on dating violence prevention and help them recognize the early signs of abusive relationships. I partnered with the OneLove Foundation, a national non-profit organization dedicated to ending relationship abuse. As a Youth Leader for OneLove, I began my mission to create a lasting impact in my community. I developed branding materials, a social media presence, and a toolkit to share with local schools. I also hosted workshops at my school, where students learned to navigate dangerous real-world situations and identify the early signs of unhealthy relationships. I aimed to expand the project's reach beyond my school to the entire Miami-Dade community. I introduced Break the Chain to the Mayor of Miami-Dade County, Daniella Levine Cava, who was very supportive and optimistic about its potential impact. I'm currently collaborating with her team to integrate Break the Chain into other city initiatives addressing teen dating violence.
Why is this project important to you? What gave you the inspiration to approach this topic the way you did?
The story of Gabby Petito in the news deeply affected me. Seeing how what seemed like a normal relationship could end in such tragedy made me wonder why so many people stay in relationships where they don't feel safe. Talking to my friends, I realized that we've normalized certain unhealthy behaviors in our relationships, and I wanted to understand why. This motivated me to create a program that would resonate with my peers, be age-appropriate, and engage young people. Through research, I found that the OneLove Foundation was the perfect partner to provide the resources, training, and support I needed to develop and expand Break the Chain.
What was the biggest challenge you faced and how did you overcome it?
One of the biggest challenges I faced was reaching other schools in my area. I sent emails and materials, but securing meetings or presentations was tough because each school has its own projects and priorities. I learned to work directly with students at those schools to bring the project through them. I also created a toolkit that schools can use to implement Break the Chain activities at their convenience.
How does this project contribute to your future goals?
This project taught me valuable marketing strategies and presentation skills, which I used when pitching my project to the council, schools, local organizations, and even the mayor's team. It also helped me develop project management skills, as I handled multiple deadlines, different work tracks, and communication with various people. These skills are aligned with my future goals, as I plan to study business and marketing. Being able to effectively present a venture is something I believe this project has helped me master.
What did you learn about yourself in the process of completing your project?
Over the past two years working on this project, I discovered that I enjoy being a team leader and collaborating with peers and strangers across the country. I loved building relationships with the OneLove team advisors, encouraging my peers in club activities, and working with organizations focused on aiding domestic violence victims. I also realized that I am passionate about working on causes that help people in need and educate others about important societal issues. I hope Break the Chain can continue to evolve and grow into an organization I can support for the rest of my life.
What did you learn about your community in the process of completing your project?
I learned that when you are passionate about a meaningful cause, others will be willing to support you. Everyone in my community — from my peers to school administrators, local government, and organizations supporting domestic violence victims — was receptive to my message and eager to help Break the Chain. This experience has fueled my desire to not only continue this project but also get involved in other philanthropic organizations with local impact.