Are your girls and Troops eager to build skills and learn something new? Well, look no further! In addition to our awesome programs and events, we also offer several "Do-It-Yourself" programs—allowing girls to participate on their own schedule. Talk about Girl-led!
Troop leaders can submit program partners for review and consideration to customercare@girlscoutsfl.org.
These are our valued partners who have been vetted by GSTF or GSUSA for individual troop events outside of our program calendar. To schedule a program, please reach out to the program partner directly, and make sure to confirm if they provide patches or badges as part of the program.
Volunteers may also schedule events with organizations outside of this list, but GSTF cannot guarantee the quality of that program.
Challenge Island
Challenge Island has partnered with Girl Scouts across the country to bring exciting STEAM education to girls everywhere. Earn a variety of badges while developing skills such as collaboration, communication, critical & creative thinking, flexibility, leadership, initiative, social skills, and grit.
Coral Restoration Foundation
Coral Restoration Foundation believes it is vital to engage all communities if we are to succeed at saving coral reefs from extinction. Their education programs are designed to do just that. They provide presentations, curriculum support, field trips and programs designed to engage girls in protecting our coral reefs.
The Edge Rock Gym – Miami
South Florida’s premiere facility for rock climbing athletes and enthusiasts. This sport is all about looking up and seeing exciting opportunities in a world where so many are conditioned to keep their heads low, eyes down, and perceive the smallest bumps in the road as obstacles. Girl Scouts of all ages can work on their Snow or Climbing Adventure badges and have fun at the same time. Group climbing event rates available.
Miami-Dade Parks/Eco Adventures
Miami EcoAdventures’ innovative use of wildlife and science education can bring everyone closer to nature, creating the perfect backdrop for hands-on learning. These programs can take place at your school or at one of their five nature centers.
Pinecrest Gardens
Pinecrest Gardens offers Girl Scouts the ability to earn badges on select Saturdays throughout the year. These “Badge Days” are designed to accommodate up to 30 girls on the given date. We are excited to announce that the Outdoor Art Badges and Eco Learner Badges are being offered exclusively at Pinecrest Gardens. Troops may also book their own badge days directly through Pinecrest Gardens
These are our custom patch programs, which have been designed or vetted by GSTF. Girls and Troops may participate in these programs on their own schedule. Unless otherwise noted, all patches can be ordered on our online shop.
Arts 4 Change
This program, developed by a Gold Award Girl Scout, will help improve mental health through the arts. Girls will learn about theater as an art form, as well as the science behind drama therapy.
Plastic smART
This program, developed by a Gold Award Girl Scout, will help teach you about the dangers of plastics, microplastics, and ocean debris, and how you can reduce your plastic footprint in simple ways.
Coral Reef Hero Take Action Patch
Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida is partnering with Coral Restoration Foundation to spread awareness about the challenges the coral reef in South Florida is facing and how everyone can take action to help save this invaluable resource. Once Girl Scouts have done the required number of activities they can send an email with recipient name, mailing address and a list of which activities they did to customercare@girlscoutsfl.org
Open to: All Levels
Your Library: A Portal To Paradise
Adventure awaits at Miami-Dade Public Libraries! Through this patch program, discover all the things our libraries have to offer, from board games to books, and technology to therapy dogs. This patch program helps you discover all this plus more at your local library branch.
Open to: All Levels
Attitude of Gratitude! Patch Program
Showing appreciation and gratitude for volunteers is a must. After all, your volunteers are AMAZING and Girl Scouting wouldn’t be the same without them! This patch program will help girls to learn what appreciation is, what helpers do and how to show them appreciation in both large and small ways through the 3 keys of Discover, Connect, and Take Action.
Open to: All levels
What's All the Buzz?
Gold Award Girl Scout Breanna wants everyone to hear her message of the importance of pollinators in our environment, but this program is designed especially for Girl Scouts Brownies and Juniors. You'll learn learn what a pollinator is, how bees communicate, different types of pollinators, the pollinator's process, native South Florida plants and much more. One of the main take-home messages from her efforts is to promote pollinator awareness, conservation, and to really appreciate the work pollinators do to promote our well-being.
Open to: Brownies - Ambassadors
Download program materials here
Dove Free Being Me Program
Imagine a world free from anxiety about the way you look. A world where girls are helping other girls define beauty for themselves. This is an Earned Award badge and can be worn on the front of uniforms after completing the curriculum. Once you complete the curriculum, you can contact Customer Care for your free patch
Open to: Brownies - Seniors
Download the Free Being Me activities for girls, ages 7-10
Download the Free Being Me activities for girls, ages 11-14
Download the Volunteer/Leader Guide
Hurricane Awareness Patch
According to the NOAA, hurricanes are among nature's most powerful and destructive phenomena. On average, 12 tropical storms, 6 of which become hurricanes form over the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, or Gulf of Mexico during the hurricane season which runs from June 1 to November 30 each year.
Our Hurricane Awareness Council Patch program is designed to help Girl Scouts be better prepared in the event of a hurricane or a tropical storm.
Open to: Brownies - Ambassadors
Download program materials here
Organ Donation Awareness
Organ, eye, and tissue donation gives people a second chance at life. One organ donor can save as many as eight lives. One organ, eye and tissue donor can save and heal more than 75 lives. Girls who earn this patch will learn about organ donation and how it saves lives as well as have opportunities to promote organ donation awareness.
Open to: All levels
Cost: To order patches, contact Jessica Fisher
Download program materials here
Sun Safety Patch Program
Your skin is your body’s coat. It protects you from cold and heat. It keeps your insides in and the bad stuff—like germs—out. Did you know that your skin is your largest and fastest-growing organ? It’s important to take care of your skin by protecting it from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun and indoor tanning beds. Over exposure to UV can cause skin cancer, the most prevalent cancer in America. Outrun the Sun, Inc., a nonprofit organization supporting sun safety and skin cancer prevention, is helping to bring Girl Scouts a new Sun Safety Patch. You can earn this special patch by being a sun safety advocate. Learn ways of protecting your skin and also teach others through hands-on activities and social media!
Open to: All levels
Download Daisy/Brownie program materials here
Download Junior/Cadette program materials here
Download Senior/Ambassadors program materials here
Girl Scouts and the Supply Chain
For every product we see a team of people and systems is needed to create it, warehouse it and transport it. To earn this patch you'll explore how products get from the place where they are made to our local supermarkets and how the supply chain for the world's largest girl-run business works. You'll also meet some awesome women who keep the global supply chain working.
Open to: All levels
Girl Scouts and Miami-Dade Parks Tropical Heritage
Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida is partnering with Miami-Dade County Parks on this new Council Patch program. To receive the main patch, simply attend a Council-sponsored program at any of the 5 Miami Dade County Parks Nature Centers. When you visit any of the other nature centers you can earn a Park Rocker Patch (available for purchase on our Shop) by completing activities in the Passport Packet.
Open to: All levels
Questions? Contact us at customercare@girlscoutsfl.org
Download program materials here
South Florida Patch Program
Girl Scout Penelope H. developed the South Florida Patch Program to earn her Girl Scout Silver Award. To earn the South Florida patch, you’ll need to complete a few activities, including visiting one beach, South Florida state park or national park; visiting one South Florida attraction; and trying two iconic Florida foods, among other fun experiences.
Open to: All levels
The Other College Prep Program
Girl Scout Isabella C. developed The Other College Prep Program as part of one of her Gold Award Projects to help girls stay safe and navigate through potential dangerous situations as they acclimate to college life.
Open to: Seniors & Ambassadors
Preserving Our Past Patch Program
This patch program, devloped by a Girl Scout for her Silver Award, will help you learn about historical preservation. To earn this patch, you'll need to complete a few activities, including learning about local historical sites, answering critical thinking discussion questions, and completing a project of your choosing from a suggested list (e.g., a visual presentation or poster, creating a play, visiting a historical place in your neighborhood).
Open to: Brownies & Juniors
Service is an important part of the Girl Scout program. Here you will find some service project ideas that have been designed or vetted by GSTF. Girls and troop leaders are welcome to also work with outside organizations to give back to our community and make the world a better place.
Clean Jeans Service Project
The Clean Jeans award patch may be earned by a troop or individual who develop and implement a service project that improves a Girl Scout camp site or a site in the community. Fill out the form and email it to customercare@girlscoutsfl.org, then purchase yours online!
Open to: All Troops
Four Star Award
The Four Star Troop Award is designed to encourage and support troops in having a diversified and high-quality year in Girl Scouts. Girls will take the lead and develop in-depth skills through enhanced program experiences in STEM, Entrepreneurship, Outdoors, and Life Skills.
First year troops will recieve the Four Star patch and the year strip. Returning troops will recieve the year strip. These patches are worn on the back of the uniform and can be transferred from one uniform to the next as girls progress through their Girl Scout Career.
Earning this award is optional.
Open to: All Troops
Download Four Star Application
GSTF-Wide Service Project
Did you know that socks and underwear are some of the most-needed and least-donated clothing items in homeless shelters?
That's why we're collecting new, packaged underwear and socks in all sizes for men, women and children to benefit Camillus House. Donations can be dropped off, year-round at Camillus House.
Plus, all girls and Troops who participate in this program will unlock our exclusive service project patch which can be purchased on our online shop.
Drop Off Information:
Camillus House
1603 NW 7th Ave.
Miami, FL 33136
Want to learn more about Camillus House and their mission? Interested in additional volunteer opportunities for your troop? Visit them online to learn more.
POW/MIA Table (Adopted from Nicole Sanchez's Gold Award Project)
The POW/MIA Table is a military tradition that symbolically honors brave US soldiers who were prisoners of war or went missing in action. Each element of the table represents an aspect of the POW/MIA’s life or fate and of those whom they left behind. These resources empower Girl Scouts across the United States to create their own POW/MIA Tables and uphold this important tradition, ensuring that it will be honored for years to come.
Open to: All Troops