Grace’s passion for cycling runs deep. Growing up in a family where the rhythm of clicking gears was the soundtrack of life, she recognized the need for better bicycle safety education. Her Girl Scout Gold Award project, the “Bike Safety Outreach Program,” aimed to address this gap and create lasting change.
Why is cycling so important to you?
Cycling isn't just a hobby for me; it's woven into the fabric of my family. My parents' love story began with cycling, and I grew up with the soundtrack of clicking gears and the thrill of the ride. It's my way of staying active, exploring the world around me, and connecting with a community that shares my passion.
What is the title of your project?
I called it the "Bike Safety Outreach Program." Simple, but it gets the point across!
Tell us more about your project and how you completed it.
I saw a gap in bicycle safety education and decided to fill it. I organized summer camp workshops for kids, teaching them about bike safety, maintenance, and the crucial importance of helmets. I didn't just talk the talk – I walked the walk by providing helmets and fitting them myself (I'm certified in that, by the way). I also wanted to leave a lasting impact, so I donated a bike repair station to my local village. I teamed up with Miami-Dade County Bike305 to bring in certified trainers and tapped into resources from the University of Miami BikeSafe program. It was a real community effort!
Why is this project important to you? What gave you the inspiration to approach this topic the way that you did?
This project is close to my heart because I've seen how proper knowledge and equipment can be a game-changer for cyclist safety. Growing up in a cycling family, I realized I had access to resources that many others didn't. I wanted to level the playing field, especially for kids. My inspiration? It was a mix of wanting to give back to my community and promote a healthy lifestyle. I guess you could say I wanted to spread the cycling love!
What was the biggest challenge you faced and how did you overcome it?
Juggling all the moving parts was tough! Coordinating the camps, securing enough helmets and materials, and lining up certified trainers – it was like a big puzzle. I rolled up my sleeves and reached out to local businesses and organizations for help. It taught me a lot about the power of asking for support and the importance of good planning.
How does this project contribute to your future goals?
This project has really cemented my passion for community service and public health. I'm now eyeing a career in public health, focusing on promoting active lifestyles and safety education. The skills I've picked up – project management, community outreach, education – they're like gold for my future plans.
What did you learn about yourself in the process of completing your project?
I was blown away by how supportive my community is. People really do come together for a good cause. I uncovered this amazing network of individuals and organizations all dedicated to promoting safety and health. The connections I've made throughout this project? They're priceless.