From badge work to community service, our Community Troop Girl Scouts empowered themselves to stretch their imaginations, learn new things and create positive impact in our community. The best part? Each of their initiatives was girl-led.
“These girls really took the girl-led element of our program to heart. One of their ideas was to take their meetings digital,” says Shanea Reed, MBA, Program Manager. “As a group they decided to move some of their meetings to GoToMeeting. This helped them plan their celebrations and outings more efficiently.”
Some of their outings this year included seeing the Black Panther Movie (which they used their skills from the Financial Literacy Badge work to plan for), Sisterhood Celebration (where they earned their Girl Scout Way badge), their Cookie House Party event and their End of the Year event.
During this membership year, our Community Troops also decided to use a portion of their cookie money to give back to their community in the form of Cookie Creation & Activities for the Lotus House, and they participated in community service projects like Baynanza and Holiday Cards for the elderly.
“We are just so proud of these girls,” says Lori Ross, Director of Troop Support and Programs. “Some of these girls are brand new to Girl Scouts and they have jumped right in and showed the world that they are girls of courage, confidence and character and they are ready to make the world a better place.”
“The feeling of empowerment they get through Girl Scouts is so incredible to see,” adds Reed. “Throughout this year, the girls set their own troop and individual Cookie goals, they decided what field trips and activities they wanted to participate in, and girls as young as Brownies were involved in planning their own trips. They told us they didn’t want to make any changes to how they operate because they love the fact that they are able to make the decisions about their Troop. In fact, one of our troops decided to continue to meet digitally throughout the summer.”
Girl Scout Community Troops are supported by The United Way of Miami-Dade, The Miami Foundation and supporters like you.