This is me at the back rudder of the plane. The back vertical rudder helps the plane turn left or right in the air or “yaw”. The horizontal elevators in the back helps the plane go up or down.
Written By Olivia, Troop 2223, Tropical Florida
My name is Olivia and I am a Cadette in Troop 2223 in Tropical Florida. I loved going to the Air Race Classic at Homestead Executive Jet Center. The Air Race Classic was fun because I got to meet a lot of the racers. The greatest thing about the racers is that they were ALL FEMALE and AMAZING! My goal is to become a pilot and astronaut.
At the Air Race Classic, I got to meet women pilots from major airlines. I got to look at many different types of planes from Cessnas, Cirrus, and Gliders. Touching the airplanes and seeing all the women helps me know I can pursue my dream because I can see it in-front of me.
The more I go to these Girl Scout events the more I learn about my dream and the more excited I get. When I met the pilots, instructors, trainees, and school I know I can do it. I met a lot of female pilot trainees. Some of them where Girl Scouts! I met one that also was a Gold Award Girl Scout. That is my dream too. I cant wait till the next event.
This is me at the back rudder of the plane. The back vertical rudder helps the plane turn left or right in the air or “yaw”. The horizontal elevators in the back helps the plane go up or down.
On the wing of a Sirus. It was so cool because I got to learn about this plane and what the cockpit looked like. Not all planes are alike. Their cockpits can be different. For example a Glider has less controls than a Cessna or Sirius. When I say less controls I am referring to instruments on the panel of the plane.
I also like hanging out with my dad at airshows!