Shortly after Juliette Gordon Low founded Girl Scouts of the USA in 1912, she sold her extremely valuable necklace of rare pearls to support the organization. She wanted to ensure that Girl Scouts would help girls discover, lead and make the world better for generations to come. Your legacy gift can be one of the precious pearls in this strand.
Juliette Gordon Low Society member benefits include:
These members of the Juliette Gordon Low Society believe the lasting benefits of Girl Scouting should be forever preserved. By including Girl Scouts in their estate and financial plans, they support girls throughout Miami and the Florida Keys in a meaningful and permanent way:
† Deceased
List updated Feb. 3, 2021
This list does not include those who wish to remain anonymous.
To learn more about legacy giving to Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida, please view our Juliette Gordon Low Society brochure or email Haley Karl, Development Director at
Juliette Gordon Low Society membership is open to all individuals who include GSTF in their estate plans. If you’d like to or have already make a legacy gift to the Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida, please download and fill out the following form so we can make sure to properly recognize you as a JGL Society member.