What level of Girl Scouting are you in and what neighborhood do you call home?
I’m a second year Cadette and “The Neighborhood Cookie dealer of Liberty City” as my customers named me.
How did you sell 6,000+ boxes to become this year’s Top Cookie Seller?
To be exact, I sold 6,172 boxes of Girl Scout cookies. I started with creating a commercial to promote my cookie business, making lots of flyers, focusing on online sales, and turning my mom‘s car into my personal cookie delivery vehicle. I sold cookies every day in school during lunch to my peers and opened my cookie booth every day afterschool all while balancing a bunch of homework. Most of all, I couldn’t have done it without my “Cookie Crew” my family and all my customers who support me every cookie season.
What’s your favorite Girl Scout cookie?
Depending on how I’m feeling, I love Adventurefuls and S’mores – they are my absolute favorites.
What lessons have you learned selling Girl Scout cookies?
Nothing comes easy! Lots of hard work, you must keep all flavors on hand to keep your customers happy and commitment is key.
What’s your favorite Girl Scout memory?
Besides being named GSTF 2024 Top Cookie seller, going to Disney World over the summer with some of my Girl Scout sisters since it was the last trip we all would take before one of my Girl Scout besties moved away to another state.
What’s your favorite thing to do with your troop?
I absolutely love going camping with my troop, especially when we cook our own food.
If there was one thing you could do to make Miami a better place to live, what would it be?
I would like to start an empowering teen organization, providing teenagers with health resources, hygiene supplies, and improve the health and well-being of future generations